Listeleri Karşılaştır

Istanbul is a city located in the most important place of the world strategically where Asia and Europe meet. It is important not only in this age, it has remained important for thousands of years. Istanbul has always been a financial centre due to its location. Wealth of Asia is carried to Europe through Istanbul and products of the West reach Asia through İstanbul. Similarly, it is a very important city where people travelling to these continents stop by. The commercial potential it has because of these features has made Istanbul a unique city.

As the most developed city in Turkey, Istanbul is not only the favourite of Turkish people but also of other nations with its social opportunities, natural beauties, historical beauties, quality of life and the potential it creates.

Almost all of the residents of Istanbul are in love with this city. The only problem that everybody would mention is traffic. While the traffic might be very intense in Istanbul city centre especially during the start and end of working hours, this problem is reduced day by day with the radical investments of the government. There is almost no part of the city that you could not reach with public transportation.

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